Tag Archives: personalized gifts

D.I.Y. Personalized Memory Game & My Favorite Nephew turns 1!!!

22 Mar

Good Morning!

My favorite nephew, Maxwell, is turning one! (tomorrow =) =)!!



So exciting and yet even though he is rather advanced for his age (literally the kid started walking at 9 months–crazyness) he obviously is not able to say too many words quite yet…  However, I would not put it past him to start learning more words and names sooner than most, so I thought I would make him a personalized Memory Game with pictures of the family to help him learn the most important peeps =)

Not only is a personalized memory game a great way for youngsters to familiarize themselves with family, it’s made with love  and affordable. Another bonus in my situation, the Memory Game was one of my sister’s favorite games growing up so it will be fun for the both of them =)

jamie & kel 3

Ready to make your own Personalized Memory Game? Check out the attachment below with instructions and pictures!

What you will need:

8.5 x 11 scrapbook paper (one fancy side, one white side). The pieces of paper depends on the amount of memory cards to be made. Four 3.5 x 3.5 individual cards fit on one sheet (or two matching pairs)

-family photos saved onto you computer


printer with ink (colored or black and white ink depending on preference)

-laminating paper (amount depends on # of memory cards in the game)


D.I.Y Memory Game Instructions


Memory Game Labels

Final Product

 game 3

game 4

game 5

game 6

Want More Maxwell pics, duh =) Check out his partay!

maxwell collage


Want more crafting action?!  Check out my sister’s blog at C.R.A.F.T!

Happy Gifting & Happy Happy Birthday Boy Max!!!

Kelley =)